Misspellings - Typos
one and teh same, one amd the same, one an the same, on and the same, one an dthe same, one adn the same, oe and the same, ome and the same, one andd the same, one snd the same, one and thes ame, one anf the same, one and thhe same, one and the dame, one and yhe same, ne and the same, one and te same, one and the sae, one and thesame, one and the same, one and he same, one and the aame, one ans the same, one and the asme, on eand the same, onne and the same, one and th esame, one and the smae, one andt he same, one and the ame, obe and the same, one and tge same, one and the saame, one and rhe same, one and the ssme, one and the same, one nd the same, one and the sam, onee and the same, oone and the same, one and th same, one and the samw, one andthe same, one ad the same, one nad the same, oen and the same, noe and the same, one and thr same, one aand the same, onr and the same, one abd the same, ine and the same, one and tje same, one and the same, onea nd the same, one and the ssame, onw and the same, pne and the same, one and the sa,e, one and the samee, one and the sme, one and the sane, one annd the same, one and thee same, oneand the same, one and tthe same, one and hte same, one and the samr, one and the saem, one and the samme, one and thw same