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on the whole



1. all in all

2. altogether, tout ensemble

Foreign Language Equivalents
Foreign Language Equivalents of 'on the whole'
Language Equivalent   Language Equivalent
French    Spanish
Misspellings - Typos
on thewhole,   on the whple,   on thee whole,   pn the whole,   on the whloe,   on teh whole,   on thw whole,   on the hole,   on the ehole,   in the whole,   on the wjole,   on the qhole,   on tge whole,   on the wholr,   onthe whole,   on rhe whole,   on the who;e,   on thew hole,   on the whle,   on the wole,   on the whol,   on thhe whole,   on yhe whole,   on the wwhole,   on the wholw,   on thr whole,   onn the whole,   on tje whole,   on the wohle,   on the wgole,   on the whoel,   o nthe whole,   on the wholle,   on the hwole,   ont he whole,   no the whole,   on th whole,   on the whoe,   n the whole,   om the whole,   on te whole,   on the whhole,   on he whole,   on hte whole,   on tthe whole,   on the while,   o the whole,   oon the whole,   on the whole,   on th ewhole,   on the wholee,   on the whole,   on the whoole,   ob the whole,   on the whoke