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on the offensive



1. offensive

Foreign Language Equivalents
Foreign Language Equivalents of 'on the offensive'
Language Equivalent   Language Equivalent
French    Spanish
Misspellings - Typos
,   on the offensive,   pn the offensive,   on the offensove,   oon the offensive,   on th eoffensive,   on the offemsive,   on th offensive,   on theoffensive,   on the iffensive,   on the ofgensive,   on the offensivw,   on the offensivee,   on tge offensive,   in the offensive,   on the ofefnsive,   om the offensive,   on the ofensive,   on the offensivr,   on the offensvie,   on the offebsive,   on the odfensive,   on the ffensive,   on the offrnsive,   o nthe offensive,   onn the offensive,   on thhe offensive,   on the offesnive,   on the offfensive,   on tthe offensive,   on the offesive,   on the offensiev,   on the offensice,   on theo ffensive,   on tje offensive,   on the offenive,   o the offensive,   onthe offensive,   on thr offensive,   on the ofdensive,   on the offennsive,   on the offendive,   on the offeensive,   on the offensie,   on the fofensive,   on the offensibe,   on rhe offensive,   ont he offensive,   on the ofensive,   no the offensive,   on the offensive,   on the offenisve,   on the offensiive,   on the offnesive,   on the offensuve,   on the ogfensive,   on the offensiv,   on the pffensive,   on the offwnsive,   on hte offensive,   on thee offensive,   on the offensivve,   on te offensive,   on the offfensive,   on the offenssive,   ob the offensive,   n the offensive,   on yhe offensive,   on he offensive,   on the ooffensive,   on the offnsive,   on thw offensive,   on the offenaive,   on teh offensive,   on the offensve