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on the nose



1. precisely


1. exactly, on the dot, on the button, on the button

2. precise

Foreign Language Equivalents
Foreign Language Equivalents of 'on the nose'
Language Equivalent   Language Equivalent
French    Spanish
Misspellings - Typos
on the nosse,   on the noes,   on thhe nose,   on the nosr,   on teh nose,   on the nise,   on thw nose,   o nthe nose,   on the nosw,   on the nose,   on the nos,   on thenose,   on te nose,   on tge nose,   on the npse,   ob the nose,   om the nose,   on tthe nose,   onthe nose,   on rhe nose,   on the onse,   on then ose,   pn the nose,   on the noose,   on the mose,   on thee nose,   oon the nose,   o the nose,   on the nsoe,   on hte nose,   on th nose,   on the nose,   on he nose,   on the noae,   in the nose,   on the nnose,   on the noe,   ont he nose,   no the nose,   on the bose,   n the nose,   on yhe nose,   onn the nose,   on the ose,   on thr nose,   on the nosee,   on th enose,   on tje nose,   on the nse,   on the node