Misspellings - Typos
on the dt, pn the dot, ont he dot, on the fot, on the odt, ob the dot, on the dto, on thw dot, o nthe dot, on the ddot, o the dot, on the doy, on thed ot, on the dpt, on the dot, on the dot, no the dot, oon the dot, on yhe dot, on th edot, onthe dot, on thee dot, on hte dot, n the dot, on the ot, on the dott, on teh dot, on the dor, in the dot, on te dot, on the dit, onn the dot, on thhe dot, on rhe dot, on he dot, om the dot, on th dot, on thr dot, on the doot, on tthe dot, on tje dot, on tge dot, on the sot, on the do, on thedot