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on the average



1. on average

Foreign Language Equivalents
Foreign Language Equivalents of 'on the average'
Language Equivalent   Language Equivalent
French    Spanish
Misspellings - Typos
on the verage,   on the avreage,   on the averagr,   on the aerage,   on the averagge,   on the acerage,   on the averahe,   om the average,   on the averaeg,   on the averag,   on thea verage,   on the averae,   on the avergae,   onthe average,   on the aveeage,   ob the average,   on theaverage,   on the avverage,   on the aberage,   on tthe average,   on the averafe,   on the aversge,   ont he average,   on thw average,   on thee average,   n the average,   on the aveerage,   o nthe average,   on the averagw,   on rhe average,   on the aaverage,   onn the average,   on the sverage,   on yhe average,   on the avwrage,   on th eaverage,   on the avrage,   o the average,   on te average,   on hte average,   no the average,   oon the average,   on the aevrage,   on the average,   on the avorage,   pn the average,   on tje average,   on teh average,   on th average,   in the average,   on the averge,   on thhe average,   on the avetage,   on the averagee,   on the aveage,   on he average,   on the averrage,   on the avrrage,   on the averaage,   on tge average,   on the average,   on thr average,   on the vaerage,   on the avearge